On Wednesday, April 09, 2014 22:38:04 Xyne wrote:
> Sorry, I accidentally deleted the fusecompress-git package while trying to
> merge the fusecompress package. I recovered the latest version from the AUR
> Git archive but it was woefully outdated so I wonder if the deleted version
> was somehow newer.

Just want to add a note here:

You can always recover the latest PKGBUILD of a deleted package at the 
PKGBUILD url (and the whole package at the tarball url). For example:


These URL are easy to remember (add the first two letters before the $pkgname 
url part, and then PKGBUILD or $pkgname.tar.gz), and won't be purged even 
after the package itself were removed from AUR.

This would be a better way to 'recover' things than looking on the AUR git 
archive :)

Felix Yan

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