On Mon, Aug 04, 2014 at 05:41:42PM +0100, Peter Lewis wrote:
> Hi all,
> I had hoped it wouldn't come to this, but based on mounting evidence,
> I've come to the conclusion that I should resign as a TU. Most of you
> probably already forgot I was here, and I'm sorry that I just haven't
> been able to keep on top of things and participate lately.
> A lot has happened with me over the last year: became a father, got a
> new job, moved house... and I'm realising that my life has changed such
> that I haven't found time to keep up with Arch / TU duties.
> I'm still a day-to-day Archer at work and home, and don't see that
> changing any time. And it's great to have been part of such a talented
> and welcoming team. Thanks to all of you for the effort you put in to
> keeping Arch the great distribution it is.
> Cheers,
> Pete.

First of all: congratulations on becoming a father, enjoy all the time
you can get with your kid(s).

Thanks for your contributions to this great distribution.

Enjoy life and Arch :)


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