On Tue, 9/16/14, Nuno Araujo <nuno.ara...@russo79.com> wrote:

 Subject: Re: [aur-general] AUR Best Practice for New Package Upload
 To: aur-general@archlinux.org
 Date: Tuesday, September 16, 2014, 1:42 PM

 Try to study it and feel
 free to ask any questions you want about it.

 Nuno Araujo <nuno.ara...@russo79.com>


So, I have studied the PKGBUILD and install file.

I have some questions, a few of which might be really newb-type but please bear 
with me.

All is clear in your PKGBUILD: and it was certainly helpful to see how you went 
about it; clean and simple.

1) Questions regarding the variables $pkgdir and $srcdir .

My understanding: these 2 babies are directories created by makepkg during the 
fetch source, configure, build and install to fakeroot process.
$srcdir is where makepkg stores all source files downloaded.
$pkgdir is where the build/compiled files are then stored in the fakeroot 
environment which gets compressed into the final .pkg.tar.xz file. THAT .tar.xz 
file is a compressed archive which contains the directory structure and 
installed files which pacman will then extract to user's root system.

a) Did i get this right?
b) what happens to $srcdir and $pkgdir ? I imagine those are just 'temp' dirs 
which makepkg deletes when it's done compressing the fakeroot?  

2) in the PKGBUILD, you are dropping the data/ directory and installing both 
.svg and .glade files to /usr/share/masshash-launcher/

In python3/ masshash-launcher:

L31 #path to glade ui file
L32 glade_source_dir = '../data/masshash-launcher.glade'
L33 if os.path.isfile(glade_source_dir):
L34 glade = glade_source_dir
L35 else:
L36 glade = '/usr/share/masshash-launcher/masshash-launcher.glade'

So you're using L36 as opposed to 32.

This is your preference? Or for the sake of simplicity? So as not to create an 
additional dir "data" as unnecessary?

(Sorry not trying to be "anal" but only to understand.)

3) You are copying the svg file to /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/
Then you are using the install file to update the gtk icon cache--which I 
didn't even think of and makes a lot of sense.
Why the hicolor though? Your choice? Because it is the most basic/core GTK icon 

Sorry, but this is all a bit new to me.

4) Not important; for the CLI program, the category I would use to upload to 
AUR would be "system" but since we also have the GUI, (which would be what 
X11?), which category would you recommend when uploading to AUR? X11?

5) @nuno : Do you want to be listed as contributor?  Would only be (more than) 
fair (eeer...) but might be a bit of a PITA for you....Just let me know.


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