Hello everybody,

Today i was notified by the AUR system that somebody called "arcanis" silently
merged the package "python2-vdirsyncer" into "vdirsyncer", leaving other
packages with missing dependencies.

Vdirsyncer runs under both Python 2 and 3. It can be used as a library, but is
more commonly used as a CLI tool. The Python 2 version was required by
khal-git, as Khal doesn't work under Python 3. The Python 3 version still
resides under the package name "vdirsyncer" and is there for the sake of
completeness, and because Python 3 is technically the most up-to-date version
of Python. It can be used independently of khal.

khal-git: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/khal-git/
vdirsyncer: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/vdirsyncer/

I also couldn't find a mailinglist about this, therefore i assume this is a
mistake. Please restore the package "python2-vdirsyncer".


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