On Wed 31, December 19:20:02 Jerome Leclanche wrote:
> [reposted to the correct list, oops]
> Hi list
> My name is Jerome Leclanche and this is my application for becoming an
> Arch Linux TU. Both Balló György and Sven-Hendrik Haase have
> encouraged me to apply, and Sven-Hendrik has agreed to sponsor me for
> the occasion.
> I am a French Python developer living in Stockholm. I work on FOSS
> both for my full-time job and in my free time, with my focus being on
> the LXQt project of which I am one of the lead developers
> (http://lxqt.org/). All my contributions are available on Github:
> https://github.com/jleclanche
> My main goal is of course to bring LXQt to [community]. I emailed
> Antonio Rojas about that a while back as he was also interested in
> this.
> I'm on my third year with Arch Linux and absolutely love the distro;
> been hanging around IRC and the community as jleclanche. This is my
> package list:
> https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/?SeB=m&K=jleclanche
> I have started the release process to get LXQt 0.9 out some time in
> January. I would really like to see it become available on Arch Linux
> at the same time =)
> Other than LXQt, I also maintain ruby-sass and its dependencies, which
> I would also like to move to [community] - although it is something
> I'd like to bring up with Anatol Pomozov first as he maintains a large
> array of Ruby packages himself already.
> I also saw that libfm and libfm-extra are currently orphaned there and
> since they are LXDE projects, I will happily pick them up.
> If any of you are going to FOSDEM, I will also be able to meet you
> there - I'd love to get to know the Arch community in person as well.
> Thanks for the great distribution and happy 2015 to everyone. I've
> kept this as terse as possible but I'll be happy to answer any
> questions.

Hi Jerome,
great to see you applying!

I'm not a TU anymore, but I want to say everyone that I believe Jerome would 
be a great addition to our team.

See you at FOSDEM then! ;-)

Good luck!

Arch Linux Developer

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