Thu, 19 Mar 2015 18:05:39 +0100
Levente Polyak <>:

> Additionally I would love to also move some packages maintained by
> other users to [community] but currently its just an idea as I did
> not yet ask them what they think about this step: radare2, capstone,
> zmap, zaproxy, hydra, medusa, nikto, snort, foremost, xpdf,
> pngcrush, wavemon, python-colorama (+ python2-colorama).

No objections from me, as zmap maintainer.

> As a small fadeout, besides all of the above, my favorite hobbies are
> hanging around at the local CCC hackerspace in Hamburg, playing
> it-sec CTFs, watching animes, geocaching and playing boardgames.

I'm currently writing this in the CCC hackerspace in Düsseldorf,
greetings to Hamburg! (31C3 was so awesome... ;-)


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