On Sat, 13 Jun 2015 at 01:52:31, Pablo Lezaeta Reyes wrote:
> As discuced countless times, there is a recurrent request to remove
> Category because is not acurated to the many catoegories that a package
> could have, is not a translatable part, always there are miscategoriced
> packages, and so on (even there is a few bugs to improbe and to remove it)
> the list is long if you read the thread across the years.
> Now with AUR4, this camp finaly will be updated to reflect a propper
> categorization (maybe imtating the availabe categories in Debian or Ubuntu)
> and make it translatable or will be dropped finally for joy of some and sad
> of others?

I just submitted a patch to aur-dev to replace categories with keywords.
I will update aur4.archlinux.org to include that patch soon.

> also "Learn more" is not tranlatable string in the fromnt page.

Looks like a bug. Will submit a patch soon. Thanks!

> -- 
> *Pablo Lezaeta*

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