> Hi there !
> Just new here.
> And I've been informed that "Normally, Mailman will remind you of your
> archlinux.org mailing list passwords once every month".
> Does it mean the passwords are saved somewhere ?!
> That means that my password is sent periodically. That's not the only
> account for which I use this password.
> That is a HUGE security breach. Please, change that system.
> And by the way, hello there, fellow arch users and devs ;)

hi and welcome aboard arch!

concerning your issue:
you probably have heard the advice to use different passwords everywhere?
also: the mailinglist password is not that important. it merely controls
your subscription, so no sensible data is secured with it, it just
prevents random people from fiddling with your subscription.
that brings me to my next point: arch uses a software called mailman
here, a mailinglist managing tool used widely on the interwebs, reviewed
many times.
you can also opt-out of receiving this reminder in your subscription
options (protected by this password).

i hope you see that this is not an security issue, but perhaps you want
to change you maiman-password.

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