On Sat, Jun 13, 2015 at 2:31 PM, Rudy Matela <r...@matela.com.br> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am importing a PKGBUILD for something that has only a binary release.
> More specifically, a binary release for i686 and another for x86_64.
> In the old AUR, I was packaging it using an if clause to choose which
> release to download depending on the architecture -- this way, I can
> have a single package for both architectures.  More or less like this:
> if [ ${CARCH} = 'x86_64' ]; then
> source=("http://example.com/release-${pkgver}-x86_64.tar.gz";)
> md5sums=('00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff')
> else
> source=("http://example.com/release-${pkgver}-i386.tar.gz";)
> md5sums=('ffeeddccbbaa99887766554433221100')
> fi
> Running mksrcinfo fails with the error:
> /path/PKGBUILD: line XX: [: =: unary operator expected
> "line XX" points to the line containing the if.
> Are there some guildelines for packaging something like this?
> How could I make mksrcinfo work?
> Is there any way to generate the .SRCINFO file manually to conform to
> the dual-binary release described above?
> (or... should I not be doing this at all?)

pacman 4.2 introduces source_${CARCH} and *sum_${CARCH} variables.

See also:

> --
> Rudy

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