=== Signoff report for [community-testing] ===

There are currently:
* 74 new packages in last 24 hours
* 0 known bad packages
* 0 packages not accepting signoffs
* 0 fully signed off packages
* 90 packages missing signoffs
* 14 packages older than 14 days

(Note: the word 'package' as used here refers to packages as grouped by
pkgbase, architecture, and repository; e.g., one PKGBUILD produces one
package per architecture, even if it is a split package.)

== New packages in [community-testing] in last 24 hours (74 total) ==

* hiera-3.0.5-2 (any)
* lolcat-42.1.43-2 (any)
* puppet-4.3.1-2 (any)
* ruby-dbus-0.11.0-2 (any)
* ruby-diff-lcs-1.2.5-5 (any)
* ruby-mail-2.6.3-3 (any)
* ruby-mime-types-3.0-3 (any)
* ruby-mime-types-data-3.2015.1120-2 (any)
* ruby-mustache-1.0.2-2 (any)
* ruby-paint-1.0.0-3 (any)
* ruby-pkgconfig-1.1.6-2 (any)
* ruby-polyglot-0.3.5-3 (any)
* ruby-rack-1.6.4-2 (any)
* ruby-rainbow-2.0.0-4 (any)
* ruby-ronn-0.7.3-4 (any)
* ruby-rspec-3.4.0-2 (any)
* ruby-rspec-core-3.4.1-2 (any)
* ruby-rspec-expectations-3.4.0-2 (any)
* ruby-rspec-mocks-3.4.0-2 (any)
* ruby-rspec-support-3.4.1-2 (any)
* ruby-term-ansicolor-1.3.0-3 (any)
* ruby-tins-1.8.0-2 (any)
* ruby-treetop-1.5.3-3 (any)
* ruby-trollop-2.1.2-3 (any)
* rubyripper-0.6.2-7 (any)
* taskjuggler3-3.5.0-11 (any)
* cairo-dock-plug-ins-3.4.1-4 (i686)
* clearsilver-0.10.5-19 (i686)
* facter-3.1.3-6 (i686)
* leptonica-1.72-2 (i686)
* libopenshot-0.0.6-3 (i686)
* marisa-0.2.4-7 (i686)
* netsurf-3.3-2 (i686)
* notmuch-0.21-3 (i686)
* obexftp-0.24-6 (i686)
* passenger-5.0.6-3 (i686)
* python-pillow-3.0.0-2 (i686)
* ruby-atk-2.2.5-2 (i686)
* ruby-cairo-1.14.3-2 (i686)
* ruby-gdk_pixbuf2-2.2.5-3 (i686)
* ruby-glib2-2.2.5-2 (i686)
* ruby-gtk2-2.2.5-2 (i686)
* ruby-hpricot-0.8.6-4 (i686)
* ruby-iconv-1.0.4-4 (i686)
* ruby-ncurses-1.3.1-9 (i686)
* ruby-pango-2.2.5-2 (i686)
* ruby-rdiscount-2.1.8-2 (i686)
* ruby-shadow-2.4.1-2 (i686)
* uwsgi- (i686)
* xmms2-0.8DrO_o.882.g942b17f-4 (i686)
* cairo-dock-plug-ins-3.4.1-4 (x86_64)
* clearsilver-0.10.5-19 (x86_64)
* facter-3.1.3-6 (x86_64)
* leptonica-1.72-2 (x86_64)
* libopenshot-0.0.6-3 (x86_64)
* marisa-0.2.4-7 (x86_64)
* netsurf-3.3-2 (x86_64)
* notmuch-0.21-3 (x86_64)
* obexftp-0.24-6 (x86_64)
* passenger-5.0.6-3 (x86_64)
* python-pillow-3.0.0-2 (x86_64)
* ruby-atk-2.2.5-2 (x86_64)
* ruby-cairo-1.14.3-2 (x86_64)
* ruby-gdk_pixbuf2-2.2.5-3 (x86_64)
* ruby-glib2-2.2.5-2 (x86_64)
* ruby-gtk2-2.2.5-2 (x86_64)
* ruby-hpricot-0.8.6-4 (x86_64)
* ruby-iconv-1.0.4-4 (x86_64)
* ruby-ncurses-1.3.1-9 (x86_64)
* ruby-pango-2.2.5-2 (x86_64)
* ruby-rdiscount-2.1.8-2 (x86_64)
* ruby-shadow-2.4.1-2 (x86_64)
* uwsgi- (x86_64)
* xmms2-0.8DrO_o.882.g942b17f-4 (x86_64)

== Incomplete signoffs for [community] (90 total) ==

* hiera-3.0.5-2 (any)
    0/2 signoffs
* lolcat-42.1.43-2 (any)
    0/2 signoffs
* puppet-4.3.1-2 (any)
    0/2 signoffs
* ruby-dbus-0.11.0-2 (any)
    0/2 signoffs
* ruby-diff-lcs-1.2.5-5 (any)
    0/2 signoffs
* ruby-mail-2.6.3-3 (any)
    0/2 signoffs
* ruby-mime-types-3.0-3 (any)
    0/2 signoffs
* ruby-mime-types-data-3.2015.1120-2 (any)
    0/2 signoffs
* ruby-mustache-1.0.2-2 (any)
    0/2 signoffs
* ruby-paint-1.0.0-3 (any)
    0/2 signoffs
* ruby-pkgconfig-1.1.6-2 (any)
    0/2 signoffs
* ruby-polyglot-0.3.5-3 (any)
    0/2 signoffs
* ruby-rack-1.6.4-2 (any)
    0/2 signoffs
* ruby-rainbow-2.0.0-4 (any)
    0/2 signoffs
* ruby-ronn-0.7.3-4 (any)
    0/2 signoffs
* ruby-rspec-3.4.0-2 (any)
    0/2 signoffs
* ruby-rspec-core-3.4.1-2 (any)
    0/2 signoffs
* ruby-rspec-expectations-3.4.0-2 (any)
    0/2 signoffs
* ruby-rspec-mocks-3.4.0-2 (any)
    0/2 signoffs
* ruby-rspec-support-3.4.1-2 (any)
    0/2 signoffs
* ruby-term-ansicolor-1.3.0-3 (any)
    0/2 signoffs
* ruby-tins-1.8.0-2 (any)
    0/2 signoffs
* ruby-treetop-1.5.3-3 (any)
    0/2 signoffs
* ruby-trollop-2.1.2-3 (any)
    0/2 signoffs
* rubyripper-0.6.2-7 (any)
    0/2 signoffs
* taskjuggler3-3.5.0-11 (any)
    0/2 signoffs
* acpi_call-1.1.0-37 (i686)
    0/1 signoffs
* bbswitch-0.8-39 (i686)
    0/1 signoffs
* cairo-dock-plug-ins-3.4.1-4 (i686)
    0/1 signoffs
* clearsilver-0.10.5-19 (i686)
    0/1 signoffs
* facter-3.1.3-6 (i686)
    0/1 signoffs
* leptonica-1.72-2 (i686)
    0/1 signoffs
* libopenshot-0.0.6-3 (i686)
    0/1 signoffs
* marisa-0.2.4-7 (i686)
    0/1 signoffs
* netsurf-3.3-2 (i686)
    0/1 signoffs
* notmuch-0.21-3 (i686)
    0/1 signoffs
* obexftp-0.24-6 (i686)
    0/1 signoffs
* passenger-5.0.6-3 (i686)
    0/1 signoffs
* python-pillow-3.0.0-2 (i686)
    0/1 signoffs
* r8168-8.040.00-9 (i686)
    0/1 signoffs
* roxterm-3.3.1-1 (i686)
    0/1 signoffs
* rt3562sta- (i686)
    0/1 signoffs
* ruby-atk-2.2.5-2 (i686)
    0/1 signoffs
* ruby-cairo-1.14.3-2 (i686)
    0/1 signoffs
* ruby-gdk_pixbuf2-2.2.5-3 (i686)
    0/1 signoffs
* ruby-glib2-2.2.5-2 (i686)
    0/1 signoffs
* ruby-gtk2-2.2.5-2 (i686)
    0/1 signoffs
* ruby-hpricot-0.8.6-4 (i686)
    0/1 signoffs
* ruby-iconv-1.0.4-4 (i686)
    0/1 signoffs
* ruby-ncurses-1.3.1-9 (i686)
    0/1 signoffs
* ruby-pango-2.2.5-2 (i686)
    0/1 signoffs
* ruby-rdiscount-2.1.8-2 (i686)
    0/1 signoffs
* ruby-shadow-2.4.1-2 (i686)
    0/1 signoffs
* tp_smapi-0.41-76 (i686)
    0/1 signoffs
* uwsgi- (i686)
    0/1 signoffs
* vhba-module-20140928-20 (i686)
    0/1 signoffs
* virtualbox-modules-5.0.12-2 (i686)
    0/1 signoffs
* xmms2-0.8DrO_o.882.g942b17f-4 (i686)
    0/1 signoffs
* acpi_call-1.1.0-37 (x86_64)
    0/2 signoffs
* bbswitch-0.8-39 (x86_64)
    0/2 signoffs
* cairo-dock-plug-ins-3.4.1-4 (x86_64)
    0/2 signoffs
* clearsilver-0.10.5-19 (x86_64)
    0/2 signoffs
* facter-3.1.3-6 (x86_64)
    0/2 signoffs
* leptonica-1.72-2 (x86_64)
    0/2 signoffs
* libopenshot-0.0.6-3 (x86_64)
    0/2 signoffs
* marisa-0.2.4-7 (x86_64)
    0/2 signoffs
* netsurf-3.3-2 (x86_64)
    0/2 signoffs
* notmuch-0.21-3 (x86_64)
    0/2 signoffs
* obexftp-0.24-6 (x86_64)
    0/2 signoffs
* passenger-5.0.6-3 (x86_64)
    0/2 signoffs
* python-pillow-3.0.0-2 (x86_64)
    0/2 signoffs
* r8168-8.040.00-9 (x86_64)
    0/2 signoffs
* roxterm-3.3.1-1 (x86_64)
    0/2 signoffs
* rt3562sta- (x86_64)
    0/2 signoffs
* ruby-atk-2.2.5-2 (x86_64)
    0/2 signoffs
* ruby-cairo-1.14.3-2 (x86_64)
    0/2 signoffs
* ruby-gdk_pixbuf2-2.2.5-3 (x86_64)
    0/2 signoffs
* ruby-glib2-2.2.5-2 (x86_64)
    0/2 signoffs
* ruby-gtk2-2.2.5-2 (x86_64)
    0/2 signoffs
* ruby-hpricot-0.8.6-4 (x86_64)
    0/2 signoffs
* ruby-iconv-1.0.4-4 (x86_64)
    0/2 signoffs
* ruby-ncurses-1.3.1-9 (x86_64)
    0/2 signoffs
* ruby-pango-2.2.5-2 (x86_64)
    0/2 signoffs
* ruby-rdiscount-2.1.8-2 (x86_64)
    0/2 signoffs
* ruby-shadow-2.4.1-2 (x86_64)
    0/2 signoffs
* tp_smapi-0.41-76 (x86_64)
    0/2 signoffs
* uwsgi- (x86_64)
    0/2 signoffs
* vhba-module-20140928-20 (x86_64)
    0/2 signoffs
* virtualbox-modules-5.0.12-2 (x86_64)
    0/2 signoffs
* xmms2-0.8DrO_o.882.g942b17f-4 (x86_64)
    0/2 signoffs

== All packages in [community-testing] for more than 14 days (14 total) ==

* r8168-8.040.00-9 (i686), since 2015-11-04
* r8168-8.040.00-9 (x86_64), since 2015-11-04
* vhba-module-20140928-20 (i686), since 2015-11-04
* vhba-module-20140928-20 (x86_64), since 2015-11-04
* acpi_call-1.1.0-37 (i686), since 2015-11-04
* acpi_call-1.1.0-37 (x86_64), since 2015-11-04
* rt3562sta- (i686), since 2015-11-04
* rt3562sta- (x86_64), since 2015-11-04
* bbswitch-0.8-39 (i686), since 2015-11-04
* bbswitch-0.8-39 (x86_64), since 2015-11-04
* tp_smapi-0.41-76 (i686), since 2015-11-04
* tp_smapi-0.41-76 (x86_64), since 2015-11-04
* roxterm-3.3.1-1 (i686), since 2015-12-14
* roxterm-3.3.1-1 (x86_64), since 2015-12-14

== Top five in signoffs in last 24 hours ==

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