Op 13.08.2016 om 22:39 schreef Patrick Eigensatz via aur-general:
> @Alad:
> Thanks, I changed this as well!
> @Florian:
> I thought if there was a variable for both I'd set both :)
> Should I remove the md5sum? Is there a guarantee every Archsystem
> has the md5sum and/or the sha256 command available?
> Another question just popped in my mind:
> How does namcap find dependencies of my package? How I can I be sure
> it discovered all and I didn't forget one?
md5sum and sha256sum are owned by the same package. You can check this
by specifying their path to "pacman -Qo".

If you want to know how likely it is that users have certain package
installed, you can check the statistics.


Regarding dependencies and namcap, this should be the relevant code:


P.S. If you plan on posting more regularly to these lists, you should
change your mail client settings to "bottom post". For Thunderbird, this
is explained here:


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