It seems a bit... inefficient... to re-clone a repository under someone
else's control every time you want to update something.

So, why should AUR packages be different from any other form of source code?

It shouldn't be. I just haven't gotten around to setting up a git repo 
somewhere else to mirror my AUR PKGBUILDs.
That being said, at the time of writing the OP, I was scrambling for a local 
copy before panicking and running off to the mailing list.

Thankfully most of them are cloned now, so this shouldn't be much of a problem.

If you want a good example of a way to manage multiple AUR packages,
this is what I do (uses git subtrees):

It has the advantage of preventing common maintainer mistakes
(forgetting to update .SRCINFO/updpkgsums, autofilling default commit
messages, handling remotes on-the-fly for new packages, etc.)

Basically, additional reasons for being ordered about this sort of
thing, in case you weren't convinced already. :)

Oh sweet! I currently just have a dedicated subfolder for my AUR PKGBUILDs, but 
none of the niceties that this provides. Thanks a bunch!

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