Thank you everybody this is very clear. Sorry I did inadvertently enable
'daily digest' , this is what explains my late response.

On 1 Oct 2016 9:07 am, <> wrote:

> Send aur-general mailing list submissions to
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of aur-general digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>    1. Copy package from AUR archive (Yassine Imounachen)
>    2. Re: Copy package from AUR archive (Noel Kuntze)
>    3. Re: Copy package from AUR archive (Eli Schwartz)
>    4. Re: Copy package from AUR archive (Yassine Imounachen)
>    5. Re: Copy package from AUR archive (Martin K?hne)
>    6. Re: Copy package from AUR archive (Eli Schwartz)
>    7. Signoff report for [community-testing] (Arch Website Notification)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2016 18:43:39 +0100
> From: Yassine Imounachen <>
> To:
> Subject: [aur-general] Copy package from AUR archive
> Message-ID:
>         <CAGxAMcv0E1JxHwgdR1GPXSryD48inEPY5OqAn+mhE8aY8X8DoA@mail.
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> Hello,
> What are good practices of re-submitting deleted AUR3 packages? Namely
> 'strongswan-git'.
> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2016 19:49:54 +0200
> From: Noel Kuntze <>
> To:
> Subject: Re: [aur-general] Copy package from AUR archive
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> On 30.09.2016 19:43, Yassine Imounachen via aur-general wrote:
> > Hello,
> > What are good practices of re-submitting deleted AUR3 packages? Namely
> > 'strongswan-git'.
> >
> Hello Yassine,
> For strongSwan, a git package (even though there existed one once) does
> not make sense, because the git master branch is relatively unstable.
> If you actually want an up to date strongSwan package that is usable,
> you need to curate the commits.
> Just follow the best practices that are outlined on the wiki[1].
> [1]
> --
> Mit freundlichen Gr??en/Kind Regards,
> Noel Kuntze
> GPG Key ID: 0x63EC6658
> Fingerprint: 23CA BB60 2146 05E7 7278 6592 3839 298F 63EC 6658
> -------------- next part --------------
> A non-text attachment was scrubbed...
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> ------------------------------
> Message: 3
> Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2016 14:33:55 -0400
> From: Eli Schwartz <>
> To:
> Subject: Re: [aur-general] Copy package from AUR archive
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
> On 09/30/2016 01:43 PM, Yassine Imounachen via aur-general wrote:
> > Hello,
> > What are good practices of re-submitting deleted AUR3 packages? Namely
> > 'strongswan-git'.
> >
> There are no official good practices, but IMPHO, all packages migrated
> from the AUR3 (whether deleted or not) *should* have had their history
> migrated from the aur-mirror archive (assuming a more accurate history
> didn't exist in the maintainer's control).
> To that end, I wrote a quick script for importing an AUR3 package, you
> can see it in my pkgbuilds repo:
> It isn't very polished, but it is better than nothing.
> ...
> Other than my subjective opinion about AUR3 history, the rules for
> submitting a deleted AUR3 package are of course the same rules as for
> submitting a brand-new package
> --
> Eli Schwartz
> ------------------------------
> Message: 4
> Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2016 20:22:33 +0100
> From: Yassine Imounachen <>
> To:
> Subject: Re: [aur-general] Copy package from AUR archive
> Message-ID:
>         <CAGxAMcu-sM2HKaUaA+6eOUk+TM51xWW++aypfxcCB1rmtiu+dg@
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> OK what I did really mean is how to update it
> On 30 Sep 2016 6:43 pm, "Yassine Imounachen" <> wrote:
> > Hello,
> > What are good practices of re-submitting deleted AUR3 packages? Namely
> > 'strongswan-git'.
> >
> ------------------------------
> Message: 5
> Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2016 21:31:33 +0200
> From: Martin K?hne <>
> To: "Discussion about the Arch User Repository (AUR)"
>         <>
> Subject: Re: [aur-general] Copy package from AUR archive
> Message-ID:
>         <CAONKL1AuOhNXJYdGxNv1XV+C5Kf70YyRdovs0fbOFmeGn0a57Q@
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> On Fri, Sep 30, 2016 at 9:22 PM, Yassine Imounachen via aur-general
> <> wrote:
> > OK what I did really mean is how to update it
> >
> That is a very unspecific question and in practice the answer may be
> two little changes (version numbers) or a total rewrite of the build
> and packaging functions because literally all the things changed - or
> the former way it was done was terrible beyond belief.
> If you're looking for the current version, see the url= line in the
> pkgbuild and open that link in your browser.
> All the other things you can learn from [0]. Please ask away when you
> need further help.
> cheers!
> mar77i
> [0]
> ------------------------------
> Message: 6
> Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2016 15:44:49 -0400
> From: Eli Schwartz <>
> To:
> Subject: Re: [aur-general] Copy package from AUR archive
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
> On 09/30/2016 03:22 PM, Yassine Imounachen via aur-general wrote:
> > OK what I did really mean is how to update it
> Let's try that again.
> > the rules for submitting a deleted AUR3 package are of course the
> > same rules as for submitting a brand-new package.
> The old, AUR3 version will give you a good idea of how it was done in
> the past, and you may wish to stick with that, or you may disagree and
> wish to do something completely different, or upstream might have
> changed something, etc. etc. etc....
> But that has absolutely nothing to do with "submitting a deleted AUR3
> package", it is the same as when you take over an orphaned package, or
> notice your own package isn't building properly anymore.
> --
> Eli Schwartz
> ------------------------------
> Message: 7
> Date: Sat, 01 Oct 2016 08:07:04 -0000
> From: Arch Website Notification <>
> To:
> Subject: [aur-general] Signoff report for [community-testing]
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> === Signoff report for [community-testing] ===
> There are currently:
> * 4 new packages in last 24 hours
> * 0 known bad packages
> * 0 packages not accepting signoffs
> * 1 fully signed off package
> * 14 packages missing signoffs
> * 10 packages older than 14 days
> (Note: the word 'package' as used here refers to packages as grouped by
> pkgbase, architecture, and repository; e.g., one PKGBUILD produces one
> package per architecture, even if it is a split package.)
> == New packages in [community-testing] in last 24 hours (4 total) ==
> * gnome-packagekit-3.22.0-1 (i686)
> * gnome-software-3.22.0+23+g9812711-1 (i686)
> * gnome-packagekit-3.22.0-1 (x86_64)
> * gnome-software-3.22.0+23+g9812711-1 (x86_64)
> == Incomplete signoffs for [community] (14 total) ==
> * luarocks-2.4.0-1 (any)
>     0/2 signoffs
> * bluegriffon-2.1.1-3 (i686)
>     0/1 signoffs
> * gnome-packagekit-3.22.0-1 (i686)
>     0/1 signoffs
> * gnome-software-3.22.0+23+g9812711-1 (i686)
>     0/1 signoffs
> * iscan-2.30.2-1 (i686)
>     0/1 signoffs
> * luasec-2:0.6-1 (i686)
>     0/1 signoffs
> * powerdns-recursor-4.0.2-1 (i686)
>     0/1 signoffs
> * prosody-0.10.r7656+.296543556065+-1 (i686)
>     0/1 signoffs
> * bluegriffon-2.1.1-3 (x86_64)
>     0/2 signoffs
> * gnome-packagekit-3.22.0-1 (x86_64)
>     0/2 signoffs
> * gnome-software-3.22.0+23+g9812711-1 (x86_64)
>     0/2 signoffs
> * iscan-2.30.2-1 (x86_64)
>     0/2 signoffs
> * powerdns-recursor-4.0.2-1 (x86_64)
>     0/2 signoffs
> * prosody-0.10.r7656+.296543556065+-1 (x86_64)
>     0/2 signoffs
> == Completed signoffs (1 total) ==
> * luasec-2:0.6-1 (x86_64)
> == All packages in [community-testing] for more than 14 days (10 total) ==
> * iscan-2.30.2-1 (x86_64), since 2016-07-10
> * iscan-2.30.2-1 (i686), since 2016-07-10
> * luasec-2:0.6-1 (i686), since 2016-07-14
> * luasec-2:0.6-1 (x86_64), since 2016-07-14
> * powerdns-recursor-4.0.2-1 (i686), since 2016-08-30
> * powerdns-recursor-4.0.2-1 (x86_64), since 2016-08-30
> * prosody-0.10.r7656+.296543556065+-1 (i686), since 2016-09-05
> * prosody-0.10.r7656+.296543556065+-1 (x86_64), since 2016-09-05
> * bluegriffon-2.1.1-3 (i686), since 2016-09-10
> * bluegriffon-2.1.1-3 (x86_64), since 2016-09-10
> == Top five in signoffs in last 24 hours ==
> 1. yan12125 - 4 signoffs
> ------------------------------
> Subject: Digest Footer
> _______________________________________________
> aur-general mailing list
> ------------------------------
> End of aur-general Digest, Vol 144, Issue 1
> *******************************************

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