Em março 16, 2017 18:02 m4s...@vivaldi.net escreveu:
 I'm Marcin Mikołajczak (on AUR 'm4sk1n') and I would like to become Arch User 
Repository Trusted User.
 I was born in Poland in 2001. I am Arch Linux user for about one year. I have 
recommended it to some people, a lot of them have switched from Windows to 
Manjaro. I understand bash scripting. Now I spend a lot of time on learning 
C++. Currently I'm maintainer of 5 packages in AUR and I can take care of more 
of them. The current ones are 'xnots-git', 'otter-browser-weekly', 
'otter-browser-git' and two Xfce components (git checkout). I'm working on 
Polish translations of some open source projects (like Xfce, WINE, Otter 
Browser...). Of source I know how to use Git.
 My main non-technical interest is music, mainly electronic.
 If I become a TU I would like to push 'otter-browser' package to [community] 
repo. I would also adopt some packages, maybe music-related?
 Best way to contact me is IRC (freenode, as m4sk1n, I'm on 'arch-linux', 
'arch-linux-aur' and 'arch-linux-newbie').
 That's all, thanks for reading it,
Best regards,

Hi Marcin,

  You forgot to mention who is your sponsor. Having said that, I haven't looked 
yet at your packages,
  but I don't think switching Windows users to Manjaro, even though not related 
with the TU proposal
  itself, doesn't bring you many votes. I'll wait on your sponsor so we can 
start the discussion

Giancarlo Razzolini

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