On 05/10/2017 07:49 AM, Thore Boedecker via aur-general wrote:
> As I am also providing hosting services on that server to a small group
> of customers, the PHP 7 release was quite cumbersome. I had to find a way
> to provide support for two different PHP versions on my server.
> Gladly I found a fellow sufferer in Mickaël Thomas (mickael9 in the AUR)
> and we started working on the php56 AUR package [1].
> It was a bit messy at first but in the end it worked out and I've been
> running php56 together with the upstream Arch Linux php packages for over
> a year now. I have been a co-maintainer of that package ever since and
> tried to push the security releases out as quickly as possible.
> In order to retain as much features of php56 as possible, I created some
> additional packages for that, which could co-exist with upstream
> Arch repo packages as well:
> [2] php56-apcu
> [3] php56-geoip
> [4] php56-memcache
> [5] php56-memcached
> [6] php56-xdebug

Just my $0.02, but those php56 packages have saved my ass with some
php7-incompatible webapps and they were done in a clean way, so my kudos
on that.

brent saner

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