On 06/29/2017 11:13 AM, Storm Dragon via aur-general wrote:
> Howdy,
> My package requires a new dependancy called python-txtorcon. I wanted to 
> provide both python2 and python3 versions of this package, so I made the 
> PKGBUILD using the package python-twisted as a guide. I think I have done 
> pretty much everything right, and it works for me, but there are some who are 
> having trouble with it: 
> https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/magic-wormhole/?comments=all 
> I have attached the PKGBUILD for python-txtorcon. Can someone please take a 
> look at it and see if there is anything wrong?
> Thanks for the help :)

That package provides a module, not a tool, therefore it should indeed
be python-txtorcon rather than the pre-existing txtorcon. So you made
the right call[1] -- next step is to submit a deletion/merge request for
the txtorcon package which should not exist at all.

The only real criticism I have of your PKGBUILD is that the source
should look like:


This will rename the file download so it doesn't clash with other
PKGBUILDs in the event that users have set $SRCDEST to some communal
download location.

Also consider having the python2 package provide "txtorcon" for the sake
of packages which had a dependency on the old pkgname. (That being said,
only one package depends on it and that already has two unresolvable

Also while I am at it, your "magic-wormhole" package should use a more
predictable source URL since PyPI sucks by default, see the Wiki for
details[1]. This will prevent you from having to update a hardcoded URL
by hand each time you update, and instead allow you to rely on the
$pkgver variable.

[1] https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Python_package_guidelines

Eli Schwartz

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