On 11/20/2017 06:22 PM, Bruno Pagani via aur-general wrote:
> I didn’t take a thorough look at the PKGBUILD yet (because I’m currently
> lacking free time a lot), but one thing that I’ve already pointed out
> for the existing firefox package as well as for the current
> firefox-developer package in the AUR is that gtk2 should be moved to
> optdeps as it is only required by the flashplayer plugin.
Not unless the original reason for rejecting the bugreport asking for
that to be an optdepends, has suddenly become invalid.


I would assume that foutrelis/heftig are aware of the reasoning for that
bug, and will know if/when that changes. I freely admit I have no idea
of the status of that, but if I am wrong then that bug could be reopened.

Eli Schwartz

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