On 2017-12-13 13:57, Eli Schwartz via aur-general wrote:
> Hello, all. :)
> My name is Eli Schwartz, better known as eschwartz on the forums[1],
> AUR[2], bugtracker[3], wiki[4] general mailing lists, IRC, and generally
> everywhere I can stick my nose in. With the aid of Bartłomiej
> Piotrowski, I am applying today to become a TU.
> I'm 24 years old, and currently studying Computer Science in the United
> States.
> I've been interested in Linux ever since I was first introduced to it in
> high school, when I asked "what would be the best Linux distro to
> install if I really want to learn how things work", and I was
> recommended to try out Arch Linux. It's a choice I haven't regretted since!
> Outside of Linux my main hobby is books/ebooks (primarily SF&F of all
> sorts). I have leveraged this nicely to feed back into software which
> deals with ebooks. :)
> ...
> I've now been an active member of the Arch Linux community for
> approximately 3.5 years, and in that time I've become a member of the
> Arch Bug Wranglers team, given an Arch Classroom tutorial[5],
> contributed a few small patches to various Arch projects, mainly
> pacman[6], and generally hung out on the forums and in IRC, trying to be
> helpful. Recently I've been doing a bit of general helping out in
> #archlinux-reproducible[7] as well.
> I've always been especially interested in packaging for Arch Linux, and
> have reviewed many PKGBUILDs on this mailing list as well as in the AUR
> Issues, Discussion & PKGBUILD Requests subforum and in #archlinux-aur,
> written a popular script for maintaining AUR packages[8], and featured
> the topic of packaging for Arch Linux in the above-mentioned Arch
> Classroom tutorial. I anticipate doing all^W^W^Wmost of this in a
> somewhat more formal role. :)
> I would like to become a TU in order to contribute more to Arch Linux in
> general (because it would be a shame to miss out on one particular angle
> I guess). It would also give me more scope to help fix simple packaging
> bugs that come up on the bugtracker, help resolve some policy TODOs[9],
> fix packages which no longer build due to e.g. missing sources (many
> such packages have been discovered in part due to the valiant efforts of
> Reproducible Arch Linux and Arch Linux 32), and of course to bring some
> packages to [community] that I feel would do well there.
> If given the opportunity, I would consider bringing the following
> packages to community:
> - firefox-extension-https-everywhere (I conmaintain this)
> - fanficfare (I maintain this)
> - git-crypt
> - advancecomp
> - llpp
> - wikicurses
> - ghi
> - dtrx
> - checkbashisms
> I would adopt the cinnamon desktop packages, as faidoc is not very
> active currently and arojas, who currently builds them, says he'd prefer
> someone who actually uses it to do so.
> I've also received permission to comaintain sigil and qbittorrent, as
> well as calibre and its dependencies (I maintain the -git packages for
> all three in the AUR, and have contributed most of the calibre PKGBUILD
> as well).
> [1] https://bbs.archlinux.org/profile.php?id=84187
> [2] https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/?SeB=M&SB=n&K=Eschwartz
> [3] https://bugs.archlinux.org/?project=0&do=user&id=19965
> [4] https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Special:Contributions/Eschwartz
> [5] https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Classroom#Previous_classes
> [6] https://github.com/eli-schwartz/pacman/commits/queue?author=eli-schwartz
> [7] https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/archlinux/archlinux.html
> [8] https://github.com/eli-schwartz/pkgbuilds
> [9] https://www.archlinux.org/todo/

I'm happy to confirm that I do sponsor Eli's application. Happy discussing!


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