On 02/12/2018 03:30 PM, Brad Fanella via aur-general wrote:
> On 02/12/2018 06:52 AM, Eli Schwartz via aur-general wrote:
>> Brad, please create a new AUR account, as you will need one to interact
>> with the AUR for various TU duties if you are re-elected. (This is
>> independent of whether you maintain *any* packages in the AUR, which I
>> hope you will anyway, not that every current TU does).
>> Please start signing your emails with a PGP key, it is good practice,
>> and we will need your PGP key for the keyring and so forth if you get
>> re-elected.
>> Following which, I formally announce that on my prerogative as a TU, I
>> am sponsoring Brad as a new TU applicant whether he needs it or not.
>> The standard discussion period will commence from the time that email is
>> sent.
> Per Eli's email, I have gone ahead and created a new AUR account under
> the alias "cesura" (my standard nick for the past few years). For
> clarity's sake, I've also made my bugtracker account under the same
> name. Based on the BBS policies, I don't believe a name change is
> possible, and plan to keep "itsbrad212" on the forums for the time being
> (as embarrassing as it may be).
> This will be my standard PGP signature moving forward, and I have my
> fingerprint set on the new AUR account. I'll use this email as an
> extremely brief "application" of sorts, to potentially give a bit more
> background and outline my immediate goals.
> As some of you may already know, I was elected as a Trusted User back in
> 2010, and had a nice run of around 1000 svn commits (maybe exactly?). I
> made the decision to step down as I did not feel like I had enough free
> time to uphold my responsibilities. As a TU in 2018, there would be a
> few projects that I'd like to tackle first, notably the MATE desktop and
> a few other orphaned packages that have drifted away from upstream versions.
> Lastly, thank you to Eli Schwartz for the sponsorship, and if there are
> any outstanding questions for me, don't hesitate to ask.
> Brad Fanella

Well, the discussion period was really over a couple days ago, whoops. :(

Anyway, the voting period has now officially begun, so cast your votes
everyone! https://aur.archlinux.org/tu/?id=104

Eli Schwartz
Bug Wrangler and Trusted User

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