On 05/31/18 at 09:03am, Pierre Neidhardt via aur-general wrote:
> I've stopped using Arch ever since I've switched to GuixSD[1] (a
> functional-oriented distribution focusing on reproducible builds and
> completely custimizable in Guile Scheme) and it's now quite clear that
> there will be no coming back.
> My involvement in this new project and in others (Emacs, Next
> Browser[2]) takes a lot more time than what I can afford into
> maintaining my Arch packages.
> I have a bunch of out-of-date packages in [community]:
> - emms
> - qutebrowser
> - udiskie
> - uncrustify
> Other [community] packages:
> - catdvi
> - ccrypt
> - dtach
> - fzf
> - gtypist
> - mu (A user requested that we built msg2pdf as part of the package)
> - pdfjs (optional for qutebrowser)
> - pstotext
> - python-keyutils (required by udiskie)
> - python-pypeg2 (require by qutebrowser)
> - tcc
> - trash-cli
> - xcape
> - xss-lock
> And on the AUR:
> https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/?K=Ambrevar&SeB=m
> I hope the Arch community keeps up with the good work!
> Cheers!
> [1] https://www.gnu.org/software/guix/
> [2] http://next-browser.com/

Thanks for all your work!

I'll handle the disabling of your Archweb/TU account

Jelle van der Waa

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