On 8/10/18 8:20 AM, Simon Legner via aur-general wrote:
> Hi Arch!
> (I'm not sure whether I'm posting to the correct mailing list.)
> I'm a happy user of IntelliJ IDEA. Unfortunately, the community
> package intellij-idea-community-edition is out-of-date most of the
> time. As of writing, it has been updated at 2018-07-10 and flagged
> again on 2018-07-12. In the meanwhile, the versions 2018.1.6, 2018.2,
> 2018.2.1 have been released.
> Since I found updates to be smooth, updating the community package
> should be easy as well. Could any TU step in as (co)maintainer of this
> package to bring updates closer to the time?
> Thank you!
> Simon


I've spoken to Lukas and am now co-maintaining the package. Together I
believe we will achieve faster update cycles.


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