On 8/15/18 9:10 PM, Chih-Hsuan Yen via aur-general wrote:
> Hi all,
> My name is Chih-Hsuan Yen. I'm also known as yan12125.
> I am applying to be a Trusted User with Felix Yan's sponsorship.
> I'm currently a PhD student in Taiwan. My Linux journey started when I
> met Ubuntu in 2011. Soon after that, I jumped to Arch Linux in 2012 for
> its simplicity. During my spare time, I'm active in open source stuffs.
> You may find some interesting bits on my GitHub [1] and GitLab [2] accounts.
> Most of my Arch contributions can be found on AUR [3]. Besides that, I'm
> also an Arch Linux tester and a member of Arch Linux China community,
> keeping some binary packages in the unofficial repo [archlinuxcn]
> up-to-date [4].
> If I'm accepted as a TU, I'd like to improve the ecosystem for Arch
> users speaking Chinese. Specifically, I'll keep an eye on Chinese IME
> (Input Method Engine) and font packages, including but not limited to
> the following ones:
> - libchewing - the core library for a Chinese input method "Chewing"
> - scim-chewing - the SCIM adaptor for the chewing input method
> - ttf-arphic-ukai - a popular font in Taiwan
> - ttf-arphic-uming - another popular font in Taiwan
> Both libchewing and scim-chewing are in [extra] now. As they have no
> other reverse dependencies in [extra], I assume it's possible to move
> them to [community] for further maintenance.
> Also, as a Python developer, I'm interesting in making Python packages
> in Arch Linux even better. I'd like to bring the following packages to
> [community]:
> - buildbot - the main program of a continuous integration framework [5]
> - buildbot-worker - running commands dispatched by the master
> -
> python-buildbot-{www,console-view,grid-view,waterfall-view,wsgi-dashboards,badges}
> - buildbot plugins
> - python-buildbot-pkg - an auxiliary package for building buildbot
> plugins from sources. I'll create a stable version from my
> buildbot-pkg-git package.
> -
> python-{aws-xray-sdk,jsondiff,klein,moto,nose-random,pathlib2,pyjade,setuptools-trial,txrequests}
> - direct or indirect runtime/build-time/check-time dependencies for
> buildbot-related packages
> I'd like to improve dependency handling for Python packages in Namcap as
> well.
> Furthermore, I'm interested in move some other useful packages to
> [community]. Here are some packages coming out of my head:
> - pcmanx-gtk2 - A popular BBS/Telnet client in Taiwan (29 votes on AUR)
> - qps - the GUI process monitor recommended by LXQt (2% on pkgstats)
> - cmst - a Qt frontend for connman recommended by LXQt (49 votes on AUR)
> I'd like to stop here. Thanks for reading such a long mail. I'm
> passionately looking forward an oppurtunity to extend my Arch
> contributions to a new scope!
> Regards,
> Chih-Hsuan Yen
> [1] https://github.com/yan12125
> [2] https://gitlab.com/yan12125
> [3]
> https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/?O=0&SeB=M&K=yan12125&SB=p&SO=d&PP=50&do_Search=Go
> [4]
> https://github.com/archlinuxcn/repo/blob/80adbb5dbee28591f95babf4aed91b0791dc6e3a/nvchecker.ini#L2531-L2617
> [5] https://buildbot.net/

I confirm my sponsorship. Let the discussion begin!

Felix Yan

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