On 11/05/18 07:48pm, Levente Polyak via aur-general wrote:
some small questions and hints first:

I'm nearly done with following your excellent suggestions but I have responses and questions.

It looks like several packages have different issues preventing to build
in clean chrooted environments properly. Did you take a look at the
devtools package and building packages in clean chroots so far?

I must sheepishly apologize. These new tools simplify everything.

What software/tool do you using to track all the new ustream releases?

urlwatch on a daily timer.

You still seem to use `mksrcinfo` for generating SRCINFO files, it was
deprecated in favor of native `makepkg --printsrcinfo` you may want to
use that in the future.

Thank you, switched!

I have noticed that mostly all git packages lack sufficient
provides/conflicts on the basic non-git name schema and/or makedepends
on git itself, would be nice to keep in mind

A silly oversight that will be enforced now that I'm learned in the ways of proper tooling.

Also i notices there are multiple packages that store a tarball in the
AUR source repo that contain things like icons, please don't miss-use
the AUR as a storage for tarball artifacts.

I should have known better and - at the very least - removed them before submitting my application. I've taken care of nearly all of them and have bowed my head in shame.

- don't think pkgdesc should ever end with a dot

The descriptions are often sentences, so would it not reason to end them with a period?

- not a big fan of fiddling with PKGEXT even if its "just the AUR" but well

For a package destined for the repositories I would not fiddle and endeavor to reverse such fiddling; however, the compression time for large games is enormous only to decompress right after. Should it, for the sake of correct-ness, be reversed even for the packages doomed forever to live in the AUR?

- is there a reason to have interception- prefix? imo ctrl2esc-git would
 be the better naming here plus provides/conflicts on ctrl2esc

I normally agree (and I originally had it named that way), however...

- This is an 'interception tools' plugin... not reason enough to have the 
package name change, but..
- caps2esc is an older X program, so interception's variant had to be named 'interception-caps2esc'. Naming this 'interception-ctrl2esc' follows the pattern for consistency/less confusion.

With that said, should it still be named ctrl2esc?

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