On 1/8/19 4:31 PM, Santiago Torres-Arias via aur-general wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 08, 2019 at 07:55:47AM -0200, Giancarlo Razzolini wrote:
>> Em janeiro 8, 2019 0:23 Santiago Torres via aur-general escreveu:
>>> - Have two TUs review the applicants PKBUILDs
>>> - Have two TUs actually decide to support this canididate
>> I'm fine with the patch, but these two lines are ambiguous. Are the TUs that 
>> are
>> going to review the PKGBUILD's the same as the sponsors? 
> This is a good point. My understanding is that sponsors generally do a
> preliminary review, yet everyone is encouraged to continue reviewing any
> PKGBUILDS during the discussion period.
>> Also, if we are heading
>> this direction of having a different set, other than the sponsors, of TUs 
>> requiring
>> to review the PKGBUILD's, shouldn't this also be added to the bylaws?
> This is also true. I'm not sure if that's something we want to put in
> the bylaws or it's just somewhat of an untold rule/expectation.
> What're everyone's thoughts on this?
> Thanks,
> -Santiago.

I don't think the bylaws should *explicitly* state or require two additional,
non-sponsoring TU's to conduct reviews. I can think of a number of downsides
with making that a requirement with possibly one upside.

However, I do think it should be a well-known and documented (i.e. in the wiki)
best-practice that during the review process, there's two or more non-sponsoring
TU's reviewing the applicant's packages. Informal, but effective.



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