On Tue Jan 8 20:19:43 UTC 2019, David Runge wrote:

> * ruby-websockets-extensions
> * pkgname: avoid composition
What should I do?

> * arch: single quotes missing
> * url: use double quotes
> * license: single quotes missing
> * depends: single quotes missing
> * makedepends: single quotes missing
> * package(): _gemdir can be derived from $(gem env gemdir),

Why is use
`$(gem env gemdir)`

Instead of

`$(ruby -e'puts Gem.default_dir')`

>  LICENSE.md can be installed using 'install -t'

Why is use
`install -t`

Instead of

`install -D`

install --help
  -D                  create all leading components of DEST except the last,
                        or all components of --target-directory,
                        then copy SOURCE to DEST

  -t, --target-directory=DIRECTORY  copy all SOURCE arguments into DIRECTORY

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