
I need feedback on packaging ruby gems.

First, I don't think packaging every gem of the latest version makes a lot of sense. For development there are rvm/rbenv/etc that solve this problem. The only gems need to package (I think) are gems that are required by end-user applications. But such applications may require gems not of the latest versions. So, there are several options here.

1) Bundle dependencies in the application itself. I don't like this approach at all, since the package begins providing a lot of unnecessary gems. Example: ruby-gollum-lib [1].

2) Package dependency gems only of versions required by the application. For example, gollum-lib gem requires loofah ~2.3 (which means >= 2.3 and < 2.4). The latest version of loofah is 2.6.0. So naming package ruby-loofah of version 2.3.1 for gollum-lib may entails rightly flagging it as out of date.

3) Packaging versioned gems. In previous example the package will be called ruby-loofah-2_3 (or something) and add "provides" in PKGBUILD. It is not forbidden by package guidelines (but not encouraged either) as far as I remember.

4) Not package ruby gems at all.

I don't like neither of these options, but I think packaging versioned gems is lesser evil.

What are your thoughts?

[1]: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/ruby-gollum-lib/


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