On Thu, Oct 07, 2021 at 03:11:43PM +0300, Greg Minshall via aur-general wrote:
> Jonathon Fernyhough via aur-general <aur-general@lists.archlinux.org> wrote:
> > You might want to give them a little more time.
> that makes sense to me, too.  but, am i right that it would also be
> legitimate, and even typical, for the package author to add a "poe"
> package to AUR?  i.e, my sense is that quite often both "foo" and
> "foo-git" packages co-exist in AUR.


> (whether they are normally
> maintained by the same, or by different, people, i don't know.)

Of course, the first option is just more convenient, but the second is
also absolutely normal, especially since you can always agree on the
comaintaner role.

> cheers, Greg

Sincerely, Alexander | Trusted User

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