On Tue, Aug 16, 2022 at 08:30:48AM -0400, T.J. Townsend via aur-general wrote:
> Hash: SHA256
> Hello. I'd like to apply to become a trusted user.

hello T.J.

> I started using Arch around 2009 when we still had the curses installer,
> rc.conf, hal... the good old days. I left at some point and came back as
> a full-time user about three years ago. You can find me on IRC under the
> name blakkheim, usually in #archlinux-security since that's my main area
> of interest.
> I'm the maintainer or co-maintainer for a few OpenBSD-derived packages
> in the AUR: openiked, rpki-client, and openbgpd. I've been involved with
> OpenBSD since 2014 and became a project committer there in early 2016.

you don't have many packages, and it was hard for me to
find something for nitpicking, but I still managed.

# openiked
depends=('glibc' 'libevent' 'openssl')
  it's hard to imagine a system without glibc installed, but I've seen the
  same packages in our repositories. so it's ok.
makedepends=('linux-headers' 'bison' 'cmake')
  'bison' is in base-devel group so no need to include it here.

> In the last two years I've submitted just over 150 patches to the Arch
> bug tracker: https://bugs.archlinux.org/index.php?opened=32638&status[]=

oh this is very cool.

> Some community packages I'd like to co-maintain are openntpd, opensmtpd,
> libressl, sndio, mandoc, signify, dnscrypt-proxy, bmake, scrot, firejail,
> xcalib, mktorrent, parallel, ncmpcpp...
> And more (frankly, lots more) in the core/extra repos if that option opens
> up in the future. I keep up with many software projects via their mailing
> lists and RSS/atom feeds. If I'm accepted, one of my goals will be to get
> missing security fixes into Arch's repository shortly after their upstream
> release.
> The sponsors of my application are dvzrv, kpcyrd, and anthraxx. (yep, three)
> iHUEARYIAB0WIQRUwf0nM2HqUUojd5Pylr3lA2jGzgUCYvuMwwAKCRDylr3lA2jG
> zvh9AQDOvEQbJdu3vfoPUY+Q+amtiwOatfD7nHje2XcviXF82gD/SL2aw0SNm9/Q
> sxcT+MltS0EoPTyR+OwOU9lHkpyuFQw=
> =4mzL

Sincerely, Alexander | Trusted User

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