Hello everyone!

My name is Chris and I am a 24 year old computer science student from Heidelberg in southern Germany. With this mail I would like to apply to become part of the Trusted User group!

I am happily using arch-based systems since 2016 and Archlinux since around 2018. Generally I use Linux systems since 2012, and have even worked as linux system administrator (paid and as volunteer) which was very fun!

Aside from that I am trying my best to contribute to open source projects and the overall FOSS community, so far mostly by open sourcing personal projects, modifying & extending existing projets to my liking and reporting the bugs I find. Most of this activity is taking place on GitHub[0].

In my spare time I rock climb and hike, play the drums and I am an active youth lead in my local YMCA. In the last few years I also was very active in student politics but I am now winding down this involvement since I am about to finish my studies. Sometimes I can also be found in my local chaos computer club[1] chatting with other people about computers and stuff.

In general you may know me better by the nick of "gromit" in IRC tho, under which I also participate in the various other arch resources: - Since 2018 I am part of the Arch Testing team to check packages in the various testing repos - I help out on the bugtracker[2] where I can, but I also just read a lot of it to keep up to date for support requests on IRC - I have some minor contributions on Gitlab[3], mostly around devtools and mkinitcpio - I participated in the proof of concept testing for the git package migration - I maintain packages on the Arch User Repository[4] and try to help out in the AUR comments aswell
- I have some minor contributions on the wiki[5]
- I also comment on /r/archlinux regularily (please note that reddit usernames[6] cannot be changed once created :p)

To further extend this involvement and to help the arch community I am now applying as trusted user.

Here is a collection of packages from [community] that I frequently use and could therefore possibly (Co-)Maintain:
- bat 1
- blueberry 1
- borgmatic 1
- bpython 0
- gopass 2
- gopass-jsonapi 1
- gum 1
- lolcat 1
- mosquitto 1
- nemo 1
- nethogs 1
- pasystray 1
- polybar 1
- rofi-emoji 1
- scrcpy 1
- sxiv 1
- tailscale 1
- terminator 1
- unp 1
- variety 1
- yamllint 1
I especially selected these packages because they currently lack maintainers (except for gopass), but I am also open to help out with other packages!

Additionally I could imagine bringing the following packages to the [community] repos, should I be accepted:
- https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/ly
- https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/nsxiv
- https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/systemd-boot-pacman-hook

My sponsors are Morten Linderud (Foxboron) and Robin Candau (Antiz) which I am both very thankful for because they also guided me through the application process!

Cheers, and thanks for reading until here!
Christian "gromit" Heusel

[0] https://github.com/christian-heusel
[1] https://www.noname-ev.de/howtotreff.html
[2] https://bugs.archlinux.org/user/30483
[3] https://gitlab.archlinux.org/gromit
[4] https://aur.archlinux.org/account/gromit
[5] https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Special:Contributions/Gromit
[6] https://www.reddit.com/user/TheEbolaDoc

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