Re: My account suspended (MarsSeed) without reason - which PM abused their power? – If you really want to start something (which I personally would advise against, MarsSeed is pretty helpful IMO), you would start a new thread here complete with receipts (a.k.a. links to the specific incidents you are complaining about.)

Dear Aaron,
the observation one can't simply look for his own interactions on the aur is exactly the way he is able to bother me.

I don't think he should be able to keep interacting with users the way he does.

I don't want to go through my mail to find the original versions of his insults, for how much I can say he is making it so on purpose so we can have such a public log or because we don't have that log available.

From you to take his defense without knowing what he wrote is silly and
greatly discredit you to my eyes, as I think you would be offended if I wrote to you what he wrote to me.

In general when you start talking with Marcell you can stay assured
he will try to 'hit' on 5 different spots.

For every answer you give him he simply replies with another three comments, one there and two in another place so he can keep make it look like you are not working on it.

It will look like you started fighting with him for other reasons but really,
I am recording some very toxic behaviour here.

I repeat, the fact you require me to provide you with information instead of the managers providing a public log of what he writes is insane.


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