Hi everyone,

I currently maintain some packages on the AUR, related to Casio calculators.
In particular we'll focus on p7/libp7/p7screen which are dedicated to 
communication protocols.

Recently the developer (Cakeisalie5) rewrote these utilities and replaced them 
by a single package, Cahute.

I made a new package for this, which is not yet on the AUR but can be found on 
my personnal forge: 

So I have some questions for you ^^

- How do I manage the decommissioning of the old tools?
- I understand I'm not allowed to use the 'replaces' directive on the PKGBUILD 
as it is not an official package, I am right?
- Should I add some warnings on existing p7/libp7/p7screen packages warning 
that they are no more maintained?
- On the cahute package, does the .install looks good?
- More generally I'll take any advise that help me to comply with the AUR 
guidelines :)

Thanks for your help,


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