Hi Aᴀʀᴏɴ,

If you test the old wechat-uos package in a sandbox (assuming you have a WeChat account), you'll realize that the old version is lacking a good amount of functions such as chat history saving and VoIP. UOS called the new "Universal" WeChat an "Reconstruct and Upgrade" ("升级" is upgrade in Chinese, while "重构" is reconstruct) in their blog post provided by 7Ji[a] and their AppStore[b][c] which provided a feature list which the old version lacks. This in my point of view proves that the new Qt version is an upgrade to the old one, and the old version is just keeping there so that users who don't want to migrate staying on the old version just fine. (UOS is advertising itself "stable", after all)

I personally agree the fact that this is a small breaking update, but that's just users' downloaded files stored in a different place. If anyone wants the old version, they should package an old wechat-uos-legacy-bin instead of expecting wechat-uos staying on the old version indefinitely. It'll be more sensible if wechat-uos's maintainer(s) introduce a detection logic which alerts old users where the old data is located at.


[a]: https://bbs.chinauos.com/zh/post/17786
[b]: https://postimg.cc/bDt46brm
[c]: https://postimg.cc/1nQbjXFP

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