Le 09/01/2015 22:56, not...@aur.archlinux.org a écrit :
korrode [1] filed a deletion request for compiz0.8 [2]:
Doesn't build in devtools or when the user doesn't already have the
old Compiz packages installed.
i.e. a new Compiz user can never use this package, it's completely
This user created this package with no discussion on the mailing list
or with we the other long-standing Compiz package maintainers... and
it doesn't work.
[1] https://aur.archlinux.org/account/korrode/
[2] https://aur.archlinux.org/pkgbase/compiz0.8/
Ok guys, I understand problem, this was a quick and stupid idea. I
thought a split package would be great, but no.
Split package has been compiled successfully on my Arch, that is why I
sent it to AUR, but as says Korrode, it's not working from scratch.
But Compiz is formed with 10 packages, 5 have been adopted by
martadinata666, and 5 others by various people:
- bcop
- ccsm
- compizconfig-python
- emerald-themes
- libcompizconfig
So I suggest martadinata666 adopts these 5 package above.
I accept deletion request.