i believe this is the first time i use a mailing list, i hope it works..

I (budRich) am the maintainer of thunar-gtk2-static-libs . The package built fine for me and i didn't know about any issues for others but i had a good troubleshooting session with Erus (and a not so good shitposting session with jelle) in #archlinux-aur (log: https://x0.at/AuW9.txt) where we managed to find and fix the issues with the package.

As with many other gtk2 packages on AUR it exist as an alternative to the gtk3(or above) version in the official repositories. because there are preferences and reasons some people prefer to use old gtk2 version. It is often difficult and complicated to manually build old packages like that. and the Xfce packages in particular since they have lots of "internal" (exo, xfce4-ui, xfce4-util etc) dependencies.

Meaning that if one builds and install the old dependencies needed for f.i. thunar-gtk2 it would mean that they will conflict with modern versions, meaning that you now cannot install modern xfce4-panel|terminal etc.

This package however downloads those old dependencies and link this old version of thunar statically with those old dependencies, so that you will not get the conflicts mentioned above. I personally run this side by side with the latest xfce4-panel.


i have gotten more deletion requests for working packages i have on AUR and i would wish that if someone finds issues with them they would at least a comment on the AUR page before deletion request them. This package in particular i spend a lot of time setting up, and the PKGBUILD on AUR was the only public source.


Anyways i will now update the package so it builds for all (i tried in clean chroot) and i hope it doesn't get deleted.

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