>> Non-root Kate can do everything a root Kate would be able to do.
>> If you opened a file with read-only access, upon saving, it will
>> prompt you for root credentials.
>For me not.
>Maybe if used within a full-fledged KDE environment.

One does not need a full KDE desktop, only Kate's direct dependencies, which 
include kio.

Then the 'kio-admin' package can be installed and Kate will support admin://.

>> If you want to open something for which your user doesn't have read
>> access, you need to install the 'kio-admin' package from the repo.
>> And then open that directory or file with the admin:// protocol.
>> E.g., the following directory is only accessible
>> (readable/traversable) by root:
>> /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/
>> Open it by entering the following path in Kate's Open File dialog:
>> admin:///etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/
>Wow. That is much manual overhead.
>I usually work at the terminal and type `kate <filename>`.

I don't think it's much overhead. Simply open the file with something like:

`kate admin://$(pwd)/filename`

You can define an alias function for kate in your shell, and then you can also 
use the same syntax you already do, `kate filename`. (Or you can make different 
alias if you want to differentiate, like `kater` for root.)

Keeping a root-patched duplicate build on AUR really seems like an overkill, 
and unnecessary.

Also Arch Wiki mentions how it is an anti-pattern to run full GUI applications 
as root, and lists all the alternative ways of achieving the same goal without 
such a measure.

You can run whatever software you want, but please don't keep this on AUR. It 
seems you are the only person who uses it.

Marcell / MarsSeed

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