>>Small aircraft really haven't made much progress over the 1946 Beech Bonanza, 
>>70 years ago.

David Thurston wrote in Design for Flying, "… it may be safely noted
that private aircraft performance has not experienced any great leap
forward over the past 40 years. Our speeds are where they were in the
30s. During that period of grass airfields, a four seat, streamlined
fixed gear Percival Vega Gull cruised at…"

Presumably with a Gypsy major engine. If you have not already done so,
have a look at Neville Shute (Norway)'s book Slide Rule where he talks
about starting Airspeed Aircraft for a few thousand pounds and running
it for the first decade or so until they were employing hundreds of
workers and still not making a profit.

It's hard to make progress when half the industry is still working in
inches, poundals and slugs.

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