Dear James,
Not sure if the following helps, but one issue in general with tailwheel
axles is that it is possible to bend them on very hard tailwheel
touchdowns, or landing touch down just before the lip between the low
surface of the runway gravel and the start of the bitumen seal. Bent
axles can be hard to remove. May in worst case have to cut through on
both sides of wheel. I know about the issue with the step at the runway
bitumen commencement as I experienced this at Corowa with my Duo
Discus. Then we have had one instance with club Duo Discus of axle
bending slightly due hard landing but just succeeded in getting it out
without cutting. (I won't admit to any excessive use of a hammer ....
but ....)
Regards Roger Druce
On 11/06/2016 1:48 PM, james dutschke wrote:
Im looking to fix a slow leak in a tailwheel on my pik.
Is there a trick to getting the axle out once the split pin and nut
have come out?
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