At 04:30 PM 9/13/2016, you wrote:
>>In Apollo 13 the astronauts were just unfortunate victims. On their own they'd have died. The heroes were the back room guys like "Mad Don" Arabian and his mates who figured out how to power down the spacecraft so the batteries would last.

The Apollo cosmonauts also made mistakes and failed to follow
instructions from the ground. That's what made the story into a drama.
The film was just silly.

Really? First I've heard of that. I thought the film was pretty good. BTW they were "astronauts" not "cosmonauts". If you want to see something about cosmonauts I recommend "Gagarin", a Russian movie made in 2013. Watched the DVD the other night.At one point Sergei Korolev says to his team " you know, there are some who say if the spacecraft lands in enemy territory we should blow it up to prevent the enemy examining it. I'm with those who want to blow it up. I'd be ashamed of what the enemy found".

>>Well you may point out to your son the fact that Sully achieved the only successful ditching of a commercial airliner in the history of aviation where not one person was killed and only 5 were injured.

Yes, but as he said, isn't that what they are paid for? But by the
above accounts, that's not what the film is about.

I saw the film on Sunday morning with Carol, a couple who are friends, their 15 year old son and their son in law.
All thought it was a good movie.

In the movie, the NTSB conflict wasn't actually emphasised too much and when faced with the real evidence they readily backed down instead of ignoring it.

My only criticism of the movie is that the timeline is a little disjointed. I think it could have been told linearly. But that would be second guessing Mr Eastwood and I'm not feeling that lucky.

In the actual NTSB report note the slightly dissenting opinion on a couple of points of the BEA (French equivalent of NTSB). One might almost think they were trying to protect Airbus.:-)


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