Thanks Greg.

Today (Sunday) was cancelled due lower predicted thermal maximum height and strong winds.


At 04:19 PM 11/12/2016, you wrote:
Club Class and Sports Class Nationals
All gliders out on task, one outlanding so far GON - plenty of Q around and hi possibility of wave. Club 2:30 AAT Morgan Copeville Taldra Woolpunda. Sport 3:00 AAT The Gums Sedan Loxton Woopunda.
Follow the event on Facebook and our Web site


This facebook page Waikerie Gliding Australian Nationals will have regular posts throught out the day.

Some addittional information relevant to the club will be posted on Waikerie Gliding Club facebook from time to time.

Many of the gliders have trackers but the system does not seem to be live at this time. <>

Some of the pilots may post information on this aus-soaring and GFA forum but most of the information coming from the organising committee will be found at the above links.


On 12 November 2016 at 10:47, Anthony Smith <<>> wrote: As far as I know gliders were derigged and in trailers or hangars. The storm came from the NW and continued to the SE, so Waikerie did not see the same storm as Adelaide.
I was at Elizabeth and we only had relatively small hail except at the end of the storm where I heard a couple of big hail stones shattering on the roof. Enough for me to put some neoprene sheet over the car in the hope that it would soften the impacts.
Justine was at home and collected a sample of the hailstones that hit Adelaide – much larger. See attached.
From: Aus-soaring [] On Behalf Of Mike Borgelt
Sent: Saturday, 12 November 2016 10:19 AM
To: Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia. <<>>
Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring] Waikerie

Anyone know what happened at Waikerie yesterday. Pretty bad TSs went through SA yesterday.

Borgelt Instruments - design & manufacture of quality soaring instrumentation since 1978
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Greg Jackson
0422 312 708 (mobile)
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Borgelt Instruments - design & manufacture of quality soaring instrumentation since 1978
tel:   07 4635 5784     overseas: int+61-7-4635 5784
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