Dear Gliding friends
  My head of department sent me this forwarded message for me to look at. 
 I thought it might be of interest to all us gliding people.

> >>out---NASA photograph of earth at  night
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>Subject:        FW: check this out
> >>
> >>
> >>Earth Lights
> >>
> >>Check out this night picture of the earth from NASA. The image is a
> >>panoramic view of the world from the new space station. You can
> >>scroll East-West and North-South. Canada's population is almost
> >>exclusively along the U.S. border. Moving East to Europe, there is a
> >>high population concentration along the coast of the Mediterranean.
> >>
> >>Check out the development of Israel compared to the rest of the Arab
> >>countries. Moving East, most striking is the difference between
> >>North and South Korea. Truly unique! It is an absolutely awesome
> >>picture of the Earth taken from the Boeing-built Space Station.
> >>
> >> 

Andrew Wright (VH GAM)

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