At 10:29 PM 18/03/2001 +1030, you wrote:
>and following Cathy's excellent wing
>camera photos last weekend.

Hi all

Seems to be a common misconception on this list that the excellent loop 
photos were taken by me.

Unfortunately I can't take any credit.  The photos were taken of David 
Conway, by David Conway.

Well OK I climbed into the glider after his flight and with the camera 
already there and flew around Gawler a bit, but since it was a video 
camera, I can't even take credit for having to do anything.

So once again folks, thanks for the undeserved praise but it should be 
directed at David.

He put the camera on the Puchatek this weekend and got some great 
footage.  Maybe he'll frame grab some of that and post it?


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