The MOSP - Part 2 states:

22.2.3. Weak links.
A weak link is mandatory and shall normally be placed at the tug end,
provided that the specified weak link strength for the tug also suits the
glider. If the specified weak link strength for a heavy glider is greater
than the specified strength for the tug, the operator is stuck with the
weaker of the two values. If the specified strength for a light glider is
less than that specified for the tug, a separate weak link of the correct
glider strength must be inserted at the glider end, in addition to the one
already in place at the tug end.

Glider weak link strengths are placarded in the cockpit. For tug weak link
strengths, consult the tug flight manual towing supplement.

 -----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]  On Behalf Of Mike Borgelt
Sent:   Wednesday, 18 April 2001 19:29
Subject:        Re: [aus-soaring] Re: Weak Links

At 07:05 PM 18/04/01 +1000, you wrote:
>>From: Mike Borgelt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>On weak links - most other countries seem to put the weak link at the
>>glider end of the rope. This has the advantage that it can be inspected
>>before hook on.
>Er... Pardon my ignorance.  That's where we put it.  Is this
Don't know.

When I used to use aerotow a lot the weak link was at the tug end. Has the
policy changed or was it indeed ops  policy or just a local custom?

Mike Borgelt
Borgelt Instruments - manufacturers of quality soaring instruments
ABN 75532924542
Box 7474 Toowoomba M.C.
Queensland 4352

Tel 0746 355 784
mob 0428 355 784
    0429 355 784
fax 0746 358 796

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          int'l +61 4 29 355 784
fax  :    int'l+ 61 7 46 358 796


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