Hi Graeme

>I'd agree with everything you've said except this:
>>... The C is the same as the first C in CHAOTIC.  But it's 
>>important so doing it twice doesn't hurt.
>I was taught (at Waikerie, I think) that the 'C' in the pre-boarding 
>ABCD was for the controls in the correct sense.  That can only be 
>checked from outside the glider - my neck rotation is a bit limited 
>for checking the rudder and elevator once I'm strapped in.
>I thought the 'C' in CHAOTIC was for full and free movement of the 
>controls once strapped in - but I'd better go back to BGK and check 
>that before I stick my neck out.

First C in CHAOTIC is correct sense.  Last C is really 3 of them - 
Canopy/(under)Cart/Controls.  This is where you do the full and free 
movement check and _MUST_ be the last thing before flight after the 
canopy is shut.

We had an old Bocian which was capably of catching it's canopy strap 
around the back stick if you didn't hold it while closing the canopy. 
If you do the control full-n-free any earlier you wouldn't find that 
out until too late.

This is still an exercise I pull on students to ensure this check is 
done last.  Its also the last item on the power flying check I was 

I think the canopy cord in the Waikerie twins is too short for me to 
pull this stunt :-)

>I was actually taught ABCDE with the 'E' for equipment - meaning 
>map, barograph, GPS, water bottle, etc but I haven't come across 
>that elsewhere.  It seems a useful idea but perhaps not essential.

Ahhh let me tell you about Mandy's MODE check for Equipment.

M - Map, Mobile phone, money
O - On Camera, On Baragraph (GPS), Oxygen
D - Drinks, Declaration
E - Eats, Extra clothes




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