What a day in SA on Saturday 4th May.

        Many a old timer waxes lyrically about the good old days when the 
weather was really good and they used to fly 300s at over 100kph out of 
Gawler in May.  Well the good old days returned to SA on Saturday 4th. 
        28 degrees was forecast for Adelaide and the trace predicted 
10,000 feet at 29 degrees.  A fleet of about 10 X/C gliders launched from 
Gawler at about 12 am into a promising looking sky of developing Cu's.  
Slow climbs to 9,500 early developed during the day to some reporting 10 
knots to cloudbase at 9,500 ft.  Large areas of easy to follow streeting saw 
several Gawler sailplanes get to Jamestown and back (300) at over 100kph. 
 A slow spot at about mid-afternoon put pilots like me in GAM into chook 
mode but the day "rebooted" itself to last till at least 4.30 - 5.00 pm.  Not 
bad for a lazy Saturday in May.

        What did others do?

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