On 10 Jun, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> We're arguing about past history here - but what of the future?

Very good point - we need to concentrate on the future (but with an eye
on the past in an attempt to avoid known mistakes).
> If three State Associations are struggling to maintain their basic functions 
> isn't it time to review the whole GFA structure, including the basis of 
> selection of directors and executive, abandon the 'federated' concept which 
> dates from 1949, and move to a single national body?

Agreed - I believe the current structure (as with a number of other
things in Australia) were heavily influenced by the enormity of the
country and the difficult (and cost) of interstate travel. We as a
society have moved on since then - and our structures need to move on as

I believe that a single national body for gliding with an executive
directly elected by the membership would serve our purposes well - and
could overcome some of the criticism that the current GFA structure is
unrepresentative of the membership.

The demise of the federated structure should however not mean the end of
state competitions - which are I believe a good way of encouraging
competition flying (and fun competition flying such as the excellent QSA
organised Easter comps).

> Personally, I think it would make sense to do that and then to get 
> enthusiastically into bed with other recreational aviation groups that have 
> common issues to deal with. If there's a need for a federated structure, it's 
> at that level, not where it sits at present.

I am sure that we have lots in common with other sport aviation groups,
so this makes eminent sense. It would also promote safety so that we
could more readily deal with issues such as the recently discussed sky
diving/ gliding accident.

Robert Hart                                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Strategic IT & open source consulting                +61 (0)438 385 533
Brisbane, Australia                         http://www.interweft.com.au

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