On 29 Jul, Derek Ruddock wrote:

> May I also suggest you find a more suitable method of restraining
> your batteries. Obviously bungees are unacceptable. In the event of a
> sudden deceleration, eg into a ploughed field with the
> undercarriage up, you could have some sustained serious or even fatal
> injury by the batteries hitting you in the back of the head.

Tks - this is already underway. After the last incident, the bungees
were replaced with stronger ones - but clearly not strong enough. After
speaking with Shane McCaffrey, we are switching to 20mm wide flat tie
down straps and clips.
> All of our club batteries sit in an aluminium cradle, with an aluminium
> strap over the top of the battery, secured by an overcentre lock. All
> very robust. Tom Gilbert cold give the details. 

This sounds interesting - contact details for Tom Gilbert please!

Robert Hart                                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Strategic IT & open source consulting                +61 (0)438 385 533
Brisbane, Australia                         http://www.interweft.com.au

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