We use a really useful conversion calculator almost daily on our
computers, the designer has just updated the program and it now does
more than 1100 conversions on almost everything you could ever think

Its a freeware download from the following link


Enjoy and if you find it useful send him a thankyou

With regards,    Michael Coates
Company Director X-Air Australia
Gold Coast, Australia.


Main Web Site:  http://www.mcp.com.au
Sting Web Site: http://www.mcp.com.au/sting
X-Air Web Site: http://www.xair.com.au
XCOM Web Site:  http://www.xcom760.com
Sinus Web Site:  http://www.mcp.com.au/sinus

"Once you have flown, you will walk the earth with your eyes turned
skyward, for there you have been, and there you long to return."

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