When I fly away from Camden I use oziexplorer and the ozlig 1:250000 maps and plot all 
the landing fields I can find in the area where I am flying, and just number them z1 
to z99.
When I load them into my GPS 89, I can then use the go to nearest key.
Naming them z1 to 99 ensures they do not interfere with the official turnpoint list, 
and are at the bottom of the list of turnpoints, out of the way.
I understand that the ozlig maps may not be completely up to date, but I reckon it's 
better than nothing.
Obviously having a list of 'official' outlanding sites is even better...

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 29/09/03 8:39:13 >>>
I understand in Europe the cost of outlanding is almost prohibitive, so
flying always within the capture zone of a known 'safe' airfield is almost
essential.  Roland Poss was in out club several years ago and did
considerable research on outlanding strips and flew always within final
glide range of these.

What would make safe Xcountry gliding simpler would be to not only have them
programmed in the flight computer, but an easy interface to a B2000 or
similar to confirm when altitude is sufficient to reach the next
airfield/paddock.  Say airfields indicated on the iPaq map and gliding
distance circles/eclipses at 0 Mac ready centred on current position [noting
wind and altitude/terrain!]

Now there is a challenge.

Does such a user friendly system exist?

Alan Wilson

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Mike
Sent: Sunday, 28 September 2003 7:37 PM
Subject: Re: [aus-soaring] Field Landings Web Page - Lake Keepit
Airfield Database

At 05:36 PM 28/09/03 +1000, you wrote:
>We at Lake Keepit have been concerned for some time at the potential damage
>to Club gliders and pilots from inappropriate paddock choice. While we
>with the comments about teaching pilots how to assess paddocks (and
>to pursue this) there's no doubt than finding an airfield or ag strip is
>normally a much safer option.
>Over the last couple of years we have accumulated a register of airfields
>and ag strips, including upper air photographs and GPS coordinates. A
>loose-leaf book of these outlanding airfields is maintained by the Club
>as much pertinent data as can be assembled - photos, runway direction(s),
>owner name and phone, condition of field, cautionery notes etc. Study of
>this file by intending cross country pilots is encouraged.
>The Club's turnpoint database for downloading to data loggers/GPSs
>incorporates the coordinates for all these known airfields, with as much
>descriptive info than can be fitted into GPS data fields to assist pilots
>make sensible choices.
>Within a rough semicircle of 150km radius we have a database of 90 points,
>of which 66 are landable airfields or ag strips. (We have adopted airfields
>as turnpoints, rather than silos or other features, wherever available.)
>Most cross country soaring within this area can now be performed without
>losing glide slope to a suitable strip.
>This will be a feature of the upcoming NSWGA State comp in November and
>be another safety initiative of the Lake Keepit comp.
>The club is indebted to Harry Medlicott whose initiative this has been, and
>who has collected the lion's share of the info on these fields. This has
>been an important part of his drive to improve safety in gliding, which
>be strongly empasised in the forthcoming State competition in Nov at
>Dave Shorter
>email [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (note no ".au" in address)
>11 Lighthouse Crescent,
>Emerald Beach,
>NSW 2456,   Australia
>Phone (02) 6656 1979
>Fax  (02) 6656 2983

I believe Ron Geake has done this at Gympie also. They can now fly cross
country while in glide range of suitable airstrips.

One resource you might consider to do this with is the AOPA Airfield guide.

Borgelt Instruments - manufacturers of quality soaring instruments
phone Int'l + 61 746 355784
fax   Int'l + 61 746 358796
cellphone Int'l + 61 428 355784
          Int'l + 61 429 355784
website: www.borgeltinstruments.com 

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