And another thing:

In the fast faced world that we share, the informal banter of
newsgroups like this could be taking over and are possibly far more
useful ways to communicate . . especially with regard to their
spontaneity, searchability and (usually) self correcting nature.

Has anyone any idea what proportion of Australian gliding pilots
actually lurk here? It is a great shame if pilots were not aware of
it's existence. Perhaps an article in the mag would be appropriate
with instructions on how to enrol in this list! Incidentally, how does
one join this list? (I just followed instructions by phone from a
fellow pilot long ago . . .).

As an aside the rec.aviation.soaring newsgroup offers value on a
global scale, but I am frequently amazed at how few people even know
what a newsgroup is, let alone have discovered the value of peer
knowledge available in them.

Try one of  these to get started (See the pattern? Substitute your own
ISP as necessary):



You will see a new entry at the bottom of outlook express full of
gliding news from all parts of the world. If you have trouble call
your ISP for exact instructions.

Before you actually post a message or reply, it is a very good idea to
disguise your email address by adding a phrase to the right hand side
eg [EMAIL PROTECTED] . This apparently thwarts
the "spam harvesters".

The 'groups' tab at can show you years of history from
the rec.aviation.newsgroup newsgroup, but using outlook express shows
the thread hierarchy very cleverly, and lets you flag threads to
'watch'. Unless you change an option in 'tools' > 'options' >
'maintenance', the outlook express messages will disappear after a few
days, so save any that you want to keep for reference! Enough for now
. . .

Merry Christmas all,

Jim Kelly.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "bob thomas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia."
Sent: Sunday, December 21, 2003 9:05 PM
Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring] RE: AG

| Andrew, I know how you feel, I too awaited with keen anticipation
| arrival of AG and it was read from cover to cover on the same night.
What a
| difference. The "thing " we get now is consigned to the WPB without
| and there are many other folk who do the same.  We are doing a fine
job of
| subsidising the HGFA, they must be laughing their heads off. I feel
| for the sub editor for GFA as she can not print what she has not
got. Partly
| this is her fault. Does she have overseas correspondents feeding her
| latest news? does she have translators reading the overseas
magazines she
| surely gets. Where  did all the adisory notes get to. How about the
| Book, stuffed full of statistics. Its no use trotting out the old
worn out
| cliche...that members do not have any right to critisize if they do
| contribute. They simply do not want to contribute to a lost cause.
If you
| want some idea of what AG used to look like, take a gander at
Gliding Kiwi.
| Perhaps it would not be such a bad idea to amalgamate  with them,
| forget it, it would never get up. I too begrudge paying a sub to a
mag that
| I do not read or care about. I took it up with GFA  and was told
that it was
| if not impossibe, then near to it. Thats the system in  tech age !.
| worries Andrew I might not agree with you but I would fight  so that
you had
| the right to have your own opinion and thats  quite obviously more
than some
| of the correspondents believe in
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