I am interested in these answers also.

I have found so few Macintosh flight programs that I had to buy a horrible old IBM just to run gliding software.


On Friday, March 5, 2004, at 01:15 PM, Michael Texler wrote:

Hi All,

I have been mucking around with the demo versions of Strepla and SeeYou
(including using the digital elevation data and vector maps of South

Before committing to a full featured version (that costs $200 - $300 + !!!),
I was wondering what other people thought about the pros and cons of each.
Which one is better?

I noted that Strepla (demo) didn't run in 3D mode, whereas SeeYou could do
3D with no worries. Do either of these programs allow you to store the maps
and graphs of your trip as graphics files (so you can use the pictures in
magazine articles etc.) The demo versions didn't seem to allow this.

Private replies preferred (unless people want the whole list to know their

BTW, are there any Macintosh versions of glider flight analysis software?


Michael T.

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